Air Compressors in Norfolk
Norfolk is an historic part of the UK. Key towns in Norfolk are Norwich, Yarmouth, Thetford and Kings Lynn . Industry in the region really falls into two different sectors, agriculture/food and logistics and as a result demand for support for air compressors in Norfolk is high.
The biggest industry in the region is Agriculture and Food. The largely flat land is ideal for arable farms with the main agricultural products being wheat, barley and sugar beet. There are a large number of food processing and preparation factory’s across the county including British Sugar and Birds Eye and several well known breweries.
The other key industry for the county is the oil and gas industry found in the North Sea and largely based out of Great Yarmouth.
Agriculture, Food and Logistics are all big users of air compressors and compressed air. Within food production compressed air is used for cleaning, packaging and food protection. With food storage and protection specialist gases such as Nitrogen fed into the air tight packaging to give the food product a longer shelf life.
Within the logistics industry compressed air is used in warehouse control systems and conveyers as well as the more traditional vehicle maintenance including air powered tools, repairs and spraying.
Air Equipment is conveniently located for customers in Norfolk with an office in Bury St Edmunds. Air Equipment has been serving customers since it first launched in 1982 and is a company dedicated to providing long term support for our customers for anything compressed air related. This includes:-
- Air compressor servicing and maintenance
- Specification, design and installation of new compressed air systems
- Air compressor sales and installations
- Supporting customers with legal requirements for compressed air systems such as Written Scheme of Examination (WSE) and insurance inspections.
- Air compressor breakdown emergency repairs